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Tuff 2017 Gelding 16'1/16'2hh


Burlington KY


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This horse has only been here a few short days but it has been VERY easy to assess that he is 100% amateur friendly. I don't think I could get him to look twice at something if I tried, much less spook... he is just a super confident, quiet, low key horse. Took in the sights and we jumped right on, no issue.

Has only had one ride, has not learned how to mount from a mounting block, although I think it would be fairly simple.

NO vices.

What I can say in general is he has great manners, is polite/good in the stall, ties, loads, trailers well. He loves being groomed and I feel okay with my kid wanting to be around him.

He made close to 130k, I do think it would be beneficial to give him some down time and we'll deserved turnout and R&R.. We'vejust noticed in general he has body soreness/tightness that could easily be fixed with giving him a little time. His feet are good frol what I can tell, but his soles are softer than what I would like to see (what horse straight off the track couldn't use a bit of feet work) I really think it would be beneficial to paint them with Keratex and KEEP HIS FRONT SHOES ON.

These are just my assessments from the past few days.. nothing horrible, but there is work to be done.

Very easy/willing ride, this horse is complete class. He is going to fill out and be a stout guythat will turn all the heads with that long luscious tail blowing in the wind.

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