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Finn 2014 Mare 16hh

Updated: May 2, 2024



Burlington KY


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This girl made close to 170k and came off the track during the winter. Her old race connections actually took her back on retirement bc they wanted to make sure she ended up in a situation where she was well loved and was going to have a great life and thrived. After giving her some time to just be a horse and gain a little weight we started working with her ... you guys, this mare is just a saint. She is all class and will do whatever you ask her to at any time. She is NOT spooky, she isn't hesitant... she is just 100% willing and trusting. Picks up on everything so easily and you'd think she's been doing it her entire life!! Clean and easy lead changes. She is new to jumping but will jump anything you point her at without hesitation. This is one those horses that will be someone's heart horse and they will be thankful every day they have her bc she is going to try her heart out for you each and every ride!

Light in the bridle, safe around kids, no funny business. Just a wonderful example of a horse with so much class!!!

Rider is 5'11 for size reference. This mare does take up some leg.

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